We are based in Gudbrandsdalen, Norway. We work locally and across borders.
As well as producing original content, our experienced team offer creative services that might be just right for your projects.

Marita Mayer Producer/Directormarita[at]rainydayproductions.no

Marita Mayer


Marita Mayer grew up in Hamburg, Germany. She has a background in Cultural Management and Education from the University of Hildesheim and specialized in drawn animation at the Animation School Hamburg. Marita has worked for several 2-D and stop-motion productions since and was a program manager for five editions of Fredrikstad Animation Festival (FAF). From 2018 to 2020 she worked as line producer and production manager at Trollfilm AS in Dovre on Anita Killi’s short film Mor visste ingenting / Mother didn’t know . In 2022 her animated short film for children Jeg er ikke redd! / I am not afraid! (produced by Fabian&Fred, Germany, and Trollfilm AS, Norway) premiered at the Berlinale and has so far been shown at more than 40 festivals in over 20 different countries. Together with Fabian&Fred, Marita is currently developing the animated TV Series Vanja’s World. In August she started the production of the animated documentary short Grandpa has a broken eye.

Maja Bekken Producer/Actressmaja[at]rainydayproductions.no

Maja Bekken


Maja Bekken has a BA in Acting and Theatre Production from Nord University 2009-2012. Since then, she worked with visual theatre for the French theatre company Cie Philippe Genty on two world tours, before returning to Norway and settling in Otta, Gudbrandsdalen. Here she has been both an actress and producer for the free group The Great Pretenders / Marie og Fredriks Teaterlag. In the last year, she has in collaboration with Bekken Teaterverksted and Oppland County Municipality created two puppet theatre productions: Astrid Lindgren and Tommelise. She is currently on a DKS-tour with Astrid Lindgren and works as a producer for Kristin Lavransdatter 2021 at Jørundgard.

Jens Jonathan Gulliksen


15 years of experience as an Animator and Animation Director has earned Jens a solid reputation within the international stop-motion feature film industry. He has worked on several high-profile productions for names like Wes Anderson, Tim Burton and Laika Studios.

For Rainy Day Productions, Jens is currently developing an original short film, combining his passions for paper art and stop-motion animation.

Barbro Bekken
Scenographer/Scenic Painter


Barbro Bekken (born 1983 in Norway) is a set designer, scenic painter and puppet maker. After studying fine arts at the University of the Arts Berlin (graduating 2015) she started working with visual design for theatre. Barbro is a co-founder of Bekken Teaterverksted, which she runs together with Maja Bekken. She is a regular guest painter at Teater Ibsen in Skien and has worked on many of their productions over the past three years. She is also a trained carpenter. She is based in Gudbrandsdalen, but works all over Norway.

As an artist, she has had several solo and group exhibitions in Germany and France. She is the recipient of the Stiftung Dorothea Konwiarz’ scholarship for young painters.

Anna Øihusom


Anna Øihusom er utdannet ved OsloMet og har ein BA i drama- og teaterkommunikasjon (2018-2021). Hun har spesialisert seg innen muntlig fortellerkunst, og ønsker å leve av kunsten her i Gudbrandsdalen. Mye av materialet hennes er inspirert av mindre kjente historier fra lokale sagn og myter. Hun skaper ofte fortellinger med røtter i den vokale folkemusikken, og utvikler de med fokus på å formidle og utforske tonaliteten. Da Anna bodde i Oslo jobbet hun ved siden av studiene som rekvisitør og set-designer for en rekke musikkvideoer for store plateselskaper. I flere år Anna jobbet med UKM, de siste årene som prosjektleder og UA-mentor for den regionale festivalen. Ellers har Anna alltid vært synlig som skuespiller på spelet om Kristin Lavransdatter på Jørundgard.